
Comments on My Book

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for reading my book. What did you think???


"__Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms__ by Will Richardson is a great resource for any teacher or instructional technologist who wants to integrate technology into the classroom...I could not put it down and I learned so much, even though I've been Podcasting since September and Blogging (sort of) for two years...It is very well written, organized, and is an invaluable resource for any teacher willing to try technology in their classroom."

Chris Champion, Cumberland-Perry (PA) AVTS. (Read the whole review here.)


Hi Will and all others,

This book is an amazing resource. Not only do you clearly show how to use so many web tools, you first explain the all-important WHY. Your writing is very clear and comfortable to read--a challenging task when writing about "geeky" material! I've got a lot of "nerd" blood in my veins, so I'm eating this up. However, it's so clearly written that our somewhat techno-phobic Spanish teacher understands it and is excited to learn more and USE the tools in class.


The links and resources you provide are so helpful. I've already gone through one highlighter, and I still have two chapters to go! It would be difficult to choose one chapter that is particularly helpful--they ALL are. I didn't understand much how RSS works and hadn't heard of social bookmarking before. What incredible tools. I've used Flickr, but not for school. The idea of enhancing a poem with digital photos sounds great--can't wait to try it with my juniors. I launched my first blog (!) with my mythology class, and they are so excited to be writing the world's tallest tall tale and posting it on our class blog.


I'm a high school English teacher in Rye, Colorado. I'm leading a group writing a grant and implementing a project, __iPod therefore iLearn__, to get all of our teachers using technology tools like podcasting, blogs, and all the other wonderful resources that Will explains. We want our school to be a 24/7 learning environement, and we want to be the leaders in our district for using these technology tools to enhance education.


I've rambled long enough. It's a great book. Buy it! Read it! USE IT!!! Thank you, Will, for sharing your knowledge and expertise. I appreciate your responses to my questions and the advice you've given.


Happy Teaching!

Nancy Scofield


Hi Will

I teach sixth grade in Southampton, Massachusetts, and I am part of the National Writing Project (I am the tech liaison for Western Massachusetts Writing Project). I've been using Weblogs for almost three years now, with increasing degrees of intensity as time moves on and I get more and more comfortable with the possibilities, and I found your book (which was recommended through the NWP network) to be a wonderful balance of practical advice, educational theory and optimism for the way technology can enhance learning in our schools.

Your book has inspired me to look deeper at such tools as Flickr (which I have used as a posting site but not much more); social bookmarking; and others.

You've put together a wonderful resource for teachers everywhere and I will be recommending it at workshops, etc.

I wish you the best of success with this book and I look forward to reading your writing in the future.


Kevin Hodgson

Western Massachusetts Writing Project




I am a soon to be Technology Coordinator (currently do hardware/network support for the school) for the Christian Schools in Kalamazoo, MI. I recently began receiving RSS feeds from your blog, and on an impulse purchased your book. After racing through it I am aware of two things; I can't wait to read it again with a pencil and highlighter handy to take notes, and I cannot wait to begin implementing many of the ideas in the school system. I had so many 'lightbulbs' go off while reading the book that my wife (who teaches English, and is my Technology integration sounding board) had to tell me that she can only implement so many ideas before she goes crazy.

I am excited to share the possibilities with the rest of the staff as well. I think that you did a wonderful job of providing a book that can be read from cover to cover and making each chapter its own little resource guide.

Thank you for what you've done, I wish you the best in your new endeavors, and I look forward to hearing you speak at this week's MACUL convention.


Steve Van Dyk

Kalamazoo Christian School Association


Will, I am loving the book, right from the opening sentence, which sends the it all in just the direction I want it to go. I so appreciate the balance between how to use the technologies and why to use them. I'm not surprized that this book is so relevant; it was reading your blog that first piqued my interest in blogging, so it is no wonder that your book would help me take my next steps.


I am going to see if Hamline University, here in Minnesota will adopt it as the text for the fourth course in the Teaching and Technology certificate which is also part of the coursework for licensure to be a k-8 computer specialist in this state. The course is titled "The Cutting Edge: What the Future Holds". It would be a great addition to that course.


Susan Sedro

White Bear Lake Public Schools

Minnesota, USA

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